Tag Archives: savings

Karl Marx was right + Martin Luther was right = ?


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Filed under Business, Economic Development, Economics

The University of Goldman Sachs: an answer to fiscal illiteracy?

A recent editorial by Allister Heath in City A.M., the free London tabloid focusing on the financial services industry, is thought-provoking on several levels. His call for the Square Mile to help tackle the alarming levels of fiscal cluelessness in the United Kingdom is a potentially pertinent one, particularly in a nation where the average person only has around £2,200.00 (approximately 1.7 months’ average salary) set aside in savings and where 25% of people have nothing set aside at all.

However, Heath’s editorial is also an indirect reminder as to how much of the education that children and adults receive in the UK – which possesses an educational system that has (and in some ways still is) the subject of global admiration – is eye-wateringly irrelevant to what most students would actually find useful in their lives. Subjects as different as information technology, domestic science and philosophy/religion – all of which shape vast and fundamental areas of human existence – barely find any meaningful room on most syllabi. The result – a workforce which regards logging onto Facebook as the acme of technological excellence, lives off ready meals and struggles to find purpose in existence – does not provide any reassurance about the country’s economic future. But even more importantly, it is probably not making very many people ultimately satisfied, either.

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Filed under Economics, Education, Finance