Tag Archives: Amitabh Bachchan

India Against Corruption: The Beginning of the Dialogue

While the Arab Spring has understandably thus far dominated the world’s news agenda in 2011, momentous developments of an analogous nature have also been happening in the emerging superpower that is India. On 24th February 2011, this blog pointed to the pronounced oligarchic trend within contemporary Indian capitalism and alluded to the systemic corruption that permeates the country; spring 2011 has seen an extraordinary flowering of unprecedented anti-corruption protests. Leading personalities involved in the protests include the renowned social activist and environmental pioneer Anna Hazare and the maverick yoga guru Swami Ramdev; the anti-corruption movements seeks, amongst other goals, the institution of an anti-graft citizen ombudsman via the passage of the Jan Lokpal Bill and the repatriation of ‘black money’ – estimated to be in the trillions of US dollars – held by Indian citizens in foreign banks, particularly those institutions based in Switzerland.

This movement has clearly chimed with the country at large, and rattled the Indian authorities: Bollywood luminaries such as A. R. Rahman, Amitabh Bachchan and Shabana Azmi have voiced and/or tweeted their support for Anna Hazare’s cause, and the India Against Corruption Facebook page vaunts over 226,000 ‘likes’ at the time of writing; by contrast, in the early hours of 5th June 2011 the Delhi Police stormed a non-violent mass fast at Ramlila Maidan in India’s capital, teargassing and charging peaceful protestors.

At this stage, it is still unclear what the eventual outcome of these developments will be. But it appears that India is at last having a meaningful national dialogue about the elephant in the room that continues to cast a shadow over the lives of so many of its citizens.

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